
Tracy Kelly is a Christian, wife, and homeschooling mom of 3 amazing kids! This blog was created to provide support, encouragement, and resources to families everywhere. It is our belief that homeschooling effectively truly is a superpower.

Tracy is passionate about educating others on the benefits of  home education. It is her mission to help families succeed on their homeschooling journey. When it comes to education, we have choices. For this reason, Tracy is also an advocate for School Choice. In her spare time, she loves spending time with her family, catching up on fashion blogs, forensic shows, and writing.

Thank you for visiting, and we hope that you will visit us often!

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On The Blog

My Thoughts on Cyber Education

My Thoughts on Cyber Education

It has been 2 months since we began our cyber education with Georgia Cyber Academy. I have to say going in, I was very nervous and I even wondered if this would teach my son all that he needs for the "real world". I have not been disappointed. This curriculum is very...

Social Anxiety Disorder

Social Anxiety Disorder

It has been awhile...Did you miss me? Today, I am writing a blog that will reveal some very personal things about myself, but I am willing to do it to help others who may be in the same situation.  I have been diagnosed and treated for depression in the past, but...

Our First Week of Virtual School!

Our First Week of Virtual School!

I have heard it all when it comes to homeschooling and virtual schooling, the good, the bad, and the myths. However, we have decided that giving our son a virtual education was right for us. I have done a lot of research, and the K12 curriculum is outstanding, hands...

Note to Self….

Note to Self….

never put limits on my kids. DJ (my 4 year old) will be attending Georgia Cyber Academy this Fall and has been completing some online summer school lessons. Well, they usually divide these lessons into grade levels; K-2, 3-5, and 6-8. My son decided that he wanted to...

It’s Almost Time!

It’s Almost Time!

I admit that I haven't written anything in a while. It has been a very busy month! We are just returning from a family reunion in Detroit, Michigan. After getting home, reality hit me...it is almost time for school to start. For those of you who do not already know,...

Our Newest Adventure…

Our Newest Adventure…

With my kids being homeschooled, I am always trying to find ways to keep them active and engaged in some sort of activity. We have signed them up for art classes and the summer reading program at our local library (which they really seemed to enjoy). Well, our latest...

How Valuable is a Stay-at-Home Mom?

How Valuable is a Stay-at-Home Mom?

   It amazes me how being a stay-at-home mom is viewed by the outside world at times. When I worked full-time, I was a hard working, self-motivated, passionate employee.  As a stay-at-home mom, I bring even more passion to my job. I could give a...

Reserved or Outgoing Children?

This topic came up in my "mommy group".... "Would you prefer your child be reserved or outgoing?" I thought that this was a very interesting topic. I have one of each. My son is VERY outgoing, but my daughter is very reserved. My husband and I are very reserved until...