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Be Anxious For Nothing…..

Philippians 4:6-8 tells us to not worry about life, however this is an area of my life that I am still working on. Recently, I have been considering traditionally homeschooling my 7 year old and almost 5 year old next year, but the anxiety of it all is holding me back. Right now, with the K12 program, everything is completely laid out for me and I don’t have to worry about him graduating and getting into a great school. With K12 being fully accredited, he is considered a regular public school student. So, the stress of trying to get him scholarships and into a great school is lessened. I am just getting bored with the demands of the program and I feel like we could make school so much more enjoyable (yet effective) doing it on our own.

Well, as I tuned in to listen to a homeschool podcast the other day, I found the answer! Out of all of the many groups that I have found, I love, “Christian Homeschool Moms” and Lee Binz, “The HomeScholar”. It just so happened that the podcast was an interview with Lee about getting kids into college. She is an experienced homeschool mom, who has kids who have gone to their first choice schools and are succeeding! I must admit that after listening to her interview, I could breathe a little easier. I know that I have a little time before I have to think about college for them, but it is never far from my mind. Lee Binz put things into perspective and assured me that it is possible. Today’s inspiration is from “Christian Homeschool Moms and Lee Binz”. I pray that this podcast will be a helpful, blessing to your homeschooling journey!  

Clink link below to listen to the podcast….

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