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The Resistant Homeschooler…..

Does this note apply to you? If you are homeschooling a resistant home-schooler, I am sure that it does. I am currently schooling my 7 year old son at home through a virtual academy, but it is the most challenging job that I have ever had! Most days, it is a chore just to get him to start his assignments! On the days that he is willing to start his work, he whines about the amount of work that needs to get done. I know that this is only a diversion tactic, but frustrating none of the less. He would much rather be playing video games (and to be honest, I would rather be playing “Candy Crush” some days), but I digress….
On the days when we are playing tug-of-war with our home-schoolers, let’s remember to stay calm and breathe! Kids, if you want a happier mommy and a more pleasant day…do your work! Remember who holds the keys to your education and decides whether or not you can play video games.

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