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6 Reasons I Refuse to Argue About Our Choice to Homeschool…..

Anyone who has ever taken on the task of homeschooling their children has encountered a person who wants to argue all of the ways that you are ruining your kids’ lives by homeschooling them. Some people hear your pride in homeschooling and take it as you insulting their choice to public school. Why would a parent put another parent down for doing what is best for their child? I never feel insecure regarding our decision, because I know that it is the best choice for our family. I don’t feel that our kids are missing out on anything, and neither should a parent that sends their kids to a brick and mortar building. You will never catch me arguing about our reason to homeschool! I have learned not to engage in the foolishness and here is why…

1. It’s OUR choice.
The wonderful thing about living in America is that we have choices. One of those choices, is how we educate our children. Whether it be at home or in a public school setting, they are being educated. It doesn’t mean that homeschooling will always be our way of life, but for now, it is what works for us.
2. It was a God-led decision.
I never really saw myself doing this. I have always wanted to teach, but never thought that I would be a homeschooling parent. However, when God told me what to do, I did it! Do I know why he wanted me to educate them at home? Not yet, but I am sure that He has a reason. So, unless you are more important than God, your opinion doesn’t really matter to me. My assignment (and my kids’ assignment) is different than yours, so we may do things differently. It takes a lot of sacrificing to homeschool, but doesn’t any God-given purpose or call? Anyone who thinks that this is easy, has probably never done it! I believe that if God calls you do something, he will also make provision. Embrace your calling, and leave me to do the same. (Yes, homeschooling is a calling).
3. The results speak for themselves.
My kids are thriving in every area as a result of being homeschooled. Does that mean that they wouldn’t thrive in public school? Absolutely not! They would be exceptional students no matter what. However, with fewer distractions and being able to give them one-on-one attention, I am able to devote more time to their education. I would never expect a teacher to do that. How could they? Homeschooling doesn’t mean that my kids are any better or smarter that anyone else’s kid, I am just doing what works for all of us. 
4. Flexibility.
I don’t really want to build my life around a school schedule. I could, but I choose not to. If we want to go to an appointment, no one has to miss work or school to do it. Heck, we can even finish our assignment in the waiting room. If we want to go on vacation, we can do it anytime we want, because our school travels. In short, we can do what we want, when we want. 
5. Time is precious.
I know that I will not be doing this forever (unless I am asked to homeschool my grand kids), so I am going to enjoy our time together while I can. I love watching every moment of their lives. Seeing the light bulbs go off when they learn something new, and helping them to overcome obstacles that get in their way. When you retire from a job, you get a pension and sometimes a gold watch. When my days of homeschooling comes to an end, I will be getting so much more! 
6. I love education!
I really don’t care how they are getting it, as long as a child is receiving a great education, does it really matter how it is done? Colleges don’t really care. As long as you have records and can pass the SAT with an acceptable score, you can go to college. They have adjusted their admission guidelines to fit homeschoolers, and actually welcome them with open arms. Am I a genius? No, but most people aren’t. However, I am going to give them the best education that I can by pledging to never stop learning. It’s never too late to enroll in a few courses to help me teach more effectively 🙂
We should all appreciate the time and effort parents put into their kids, whether it be homeschooling or helping with homework. We are providing our kids with one of the most valuable things that they will ever receive, an education! So, don’t hate, congratulate!

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